When we bought thePalco, it had been renamedKittiwake, and prior to that,Rejoyce. The previous owner had done some research into the history of the boat and he found that she had been built in 1962 for Pat Soderberg at Tripple & Everett Marine Ways, in Seattle. As far as I know the boat spent most of it’s life in Alaska.
So, at his memorial service he wanted a Viking ship to burn. His only real stipulation was that it had to be longer than his friend’s memorial ship had been. I figured eight feet was a good length. I was working completely without plans, just putting something together that looked right.
Hi! My name is Pat and I have a wood boat problem. Not a little delicate refined one either. No cedar strip canoes or tiny little sailboats or dinghies or the glossy gorgeous creations that sail the warmer climes or race across lakes . . . though they all have their pull.